How To Get Rid of Mice in Garage
People don’t like mice. If you have ever had one in your home, you know how hard it is to get rid of them. Mice will take over your home if they have an opportunity to do so. They are smart, and they can fit through holes the size of a half-dollar. This can be unbearable for any homeowner to deal with.
Mice and rats enter the house through chimneys, foundation cracks, garage doors and corner posts. There are many methods that people can use to prevent mice from entering their garages and basement.
Mice make a mess, destroy items, and take up extra space that can attract unwanted attention. Let’s take a look at what are the signs of the mice in your garage & what you can do to get rid of mice in the garage.
Signs of Mice in Infestation In Your Garage
The most common sign of mice in a garage is droppings. Mice can also leave traces of their presence in your garage by chewing on wires, chewing holes in wood, or leaving urine trails on surfaces.
The diseases rats carry can be transmitted to humans, and they can cause structural damage to the structure of your garage, which could lead to costly repairs later down the line. If you suspect that there are mice in your garage, look out for the following signs:
1. Chew or scratch-marks
Mice can chew through almost anything and often leave chew or scratch marks on their way out. So if you start noticing chew marks in your garage or basement, it’s a sign that mice have invaded your house.
2. Food crumbs or debris
Mice will gnaw on food and even chew through electrical cords if they can find them. Therefore, one of the most common signs of mice in the garage or basement is a buildup of crumbs or debris near their entry points.
3. Nests
Mice make nests in garages and basements. They are usually built on top of the insulation layers or under the floorboards of these places. The nests are made from materials like straw, hair, paper, cloth, and even plastic bags. These materials allow mice to store their food and make it easy for them to access it easily. If you see some of these signs in your garage or basement, then there is a strong possibility that it might be infested with mice.
4. Noises
The most common sign of mice in the garage or basement is noise. Mice are very noisy animals and will make a lot of noise as they move around. If you hear squeaking noises, it’s likely that there are mice in your garage.
5. Odd Pet Behaviour
Cats and dogs have a much better sense of smell, and they can easily detect mice before us. So if your pet is behaving oddly or paying extra attention to some areas, then you might have mice in your home.
How to Get Rid of Mice in Garage?
1. Make use of Spring Traps, Sticky Traps, and Live Traps
The most common way to get rid of mice is with spring traps. They’re cheap and work really well. Just make sure that you use bait that they cannot get into (food or cheese). The mice will be able to smell the bait from outside and come in for a snack.
Another option is live traps. These are just as effective as spring traps but require more maintenance because they must be baited daily. You can use peanut butter or even dry dog food if you prefer.
Sticky traps are another option that works well for trapping mice if you don’t want to deal with live trapping them every day. They’re an easy way to keep your garage tidy while catching any mice trying to get back into your house after being trapped outside!
2. Strategically Set Bait Station
One of the most effective ways to get rid of mice in the garage is to set up a bait station. This is especially useful if you have children or pets who are afraid of mice and try to keep rats away from them. A bait station will be able to attract the mice and make it easier for you to kill them once they’re lured inside. You can even use a trap if you don’t want to set up a bait station.
3. Keep a Cat or Dog
If you have a cat or dog, keeping it indoors might help to prevent mice from entering your garage. Cats are natural predators of mice and rats and will keep them away from your home. Cats also like to hunt mice, which is why they are sometimes called “feral cats” (as opposed to “domestic cats”). Mice are afraid of cats, so if one of these animals is kept indoors with you, this could help prevent mice from entering the garage.
4. Extermination
When nothing works, you must immediately contact a professional pest control service provider to help safely remove mice from your home and garage area.
What Attracts Mice to Garage?
Mice are attracted to garages and basements for two main reasons. The first is food. Mice find food in garage insulation, under shelving, and in other storage areas. They also like to nest in and around food sources, especially if they are pet food.
The second reason mice are attracted to garages is because of their nesting habits. Mice like to live in the warmest, driest parts of a building, so they will often take up residence in garage insulation or under tarped ground covers. If a mouse discovers a warm area that is dry during the winter months, it might choose to make it it’s home year after year.
How to Prevent Mice in Garage
Mice are very destructive creatures, and they can cause a lot of damage to your home. These rodents can chew through electrical wiring, eat through insulation, and ruin your appliances. Hiring a mice exterminator can help you to get rid of mice without any trouble. However, if you want to do it yourself, the good news is that you can keep mice out of your garage or basement by following these steps:
1. Remove all food sources
Keep pet food and bird feed in a well-sealed metal container to prevent mice from getting into them. Mice like to chew through plastic, so keeping them out of the area where you store supplies is best.
2. Get rid of nesting material
Mice need a place to make their nests, so remove any old boxes or other materials that could be used as nesting material. It’s best to do this before you see signs of mice activity in your garage or basement.
3. Use sound and Add screens
Sound deterrents are the most effective way to deter mice from your garage and basement. You can use squeaky toys, or make a squealing sound by rubbing sandpaper across the top of a board. You can also try adding screens to your garage door so that mice cannot get through.
4. Get rid of cardboard
Mice like cardboard boxes, so get rid of them. If you have a big cardboard box that’s been hiding out in your garage for years, you might be surprised to learn that mice are attracted to it. If you’re trying to keep mice out of your garage and basement, simply get rid of all the cardboard boxes that you can.
5. Place a dehumidifier
You can purchase a dehumidifier at any hardware store or home improvement store. It won’t take long for the device to reduce humidity levels enough to make it difficult for mice to survive in your garage or basement.
6. Keep the garage door closed and also keep exterior doors closed
Keep garage doors closed, especially at night. Mice can squeeze through tiny openings in a garage door, so closing the door at night keeps them out of your garage. Also, keep exterior doors closed or covered with weather stripping to keep mice out of your home.
7. Keep your landscaping neat
Landscaping should be kept neat with no dead trees or shrubs. Mice like to burrow into dirt and wood piles, which can make them feel very warm and secure. Keep your landscaping neat by trimming back any overgrown shrubs or trees that might provide a hiding place for mice.
8. Use essential oils – Spray a solution of peppermint extract and water around the perimeter
Essential oils are very powerful and you can diffuse them or spray them directly onto surfaces where mice may be trying to enter your home. You can use peppermint oil or lavender oil — around the perimeter of your garage or basement. The scent will keep them away from the building’s walls and foundations.
9. Seal openings as a crack in the garage foundation can be a way for mice to get in
Seal openings such as a crack in the garage foundation can be a way for mice to get in. If you have an area that is always open, such as an air vent or window, then seal these up tightly with caulk. The duct tape is meant for this purpose because it is waterproof and will not harm your insulation or drywall.
10. Store firewood outdoors, as far away from your garage and house as possible
The best way to keep mice out of your garage and basement is to store firewood outdoors, as far away from your garage and house as possible. While this may seem like a pain, it’s one of the most effective ways of keeping mice out of your home. Keeping your firewood in an area where it’s constantly exposed to rain will prevent them from getting a scent that will draw them in.
Mice vs. Rats
Mice and rats can be a problem in the home, but they are different animals. Mice are small, nocturnal creatures that typically live underground where you can’t see them. They feed on seeds, grains, and insects. Rats are larger than mice, more social, and may also damage property by gnawing on wood or metal objects. Rats also carry diseases such as rabies and whipworm that can be transmitted to humans and other animals through bites or scratches.
Mice have been known to cause damage to homes and businesses by making nests in attics or behind walls, creating tunnels under foundations, or chewing wires in electrical systems. Their droppings can cause damage to carpeting and fabrics as well as food storage areas inside the home. Mice can also be carriers of fleas and ticks that spread Lyme disease, which can be fatal to people if left untreated.
Now you should know about the different ways to get rid of mice, and hopefully, you have the plan to keep your yard, garage, and basement mice-free.
Call Take Care Termite and Pest Control to exterminate mice and rats from your garage and basements
Start implementing an extermination plan to rid you of these rodents now so that they do not cause you any more trouble. Over time, you will be thankful to have taken the steps needed to banish this problem as it is a common frustration among many people and a good lesson in homeowner upkeep.