How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs and Keep Them Away


The fantastic season of fall is here! But this time of the year also brings termites and carpenter ants into your home. These invaders enter your home in good numbers, so it becomes almost urgent to ward them off as soon as you know about them. Let’s get to learn more about the most notorious and smelly invader – stink bugs.

What is a Stink Bug?

Stink bugs are brown and shaped like a shield. Therefore they are also known as shield bugs. They are generally 14-17 mm long and easy to identify. When they feel attacked, they emit a skunk-like smell. This is their primary recognition. They populate at jet speed. Given the right conditions, they can lay five generations in a year.

How to Keep Stink Bugs Away?

It is said that prevention is the best cure. So let’s go through specific tips on stink bug prevention:-

  • Seal the Entry Point The common places in your house where the bugs enter are window frames, cracks, exterior wood siding, etc. Seal all these entry points with a caulk.
  • Downplay Exterior Lights Often, stink bugs enter in house by getting attracted by the exterior lights. Thus, either keep the exterior lights off whenever possible or use less attractive lights like sodium-vapor lights.
  • Complete the Repairing Work Repair the broken and cracked windows, screens, and doors at the earliest. Also, check if the weather stripping and mortar in your house are intact or not.
  • Check the Pipes & Drains Keep the pipes and drains of your home maintained. Leaking pipes and clogged drains increases moisture around your house, which attracts stink bug infestation.
  • Remove Access to Food Always keep your food in air-tight containers or the refrigerator. Keep dustbins sealed and the floor clean to not attract stink bugs in the house.
  • Ensure Ventilation In order to keep basement bugs away, it is crucial to ventilate the basement, garage, and crawl spaces. You can use a dehumidifier in such types of areas in your house to keep stink bugs away.
  • Keep the Landscape Clear It is common to find stink bugs in gardens and landscapes surrounding your house. So keep the plants, trees, and grass well-trimmed. The firewood should also be stored at least 20 feet away from your home.
  • Check the Grocery Bags You Bring Inside Stink bugs can hide in your grocery bag and enter your home to populate their colony. So check your grocery bags carefully before taking them inside your house.

Types of Stink Bugs

There are 5 types of stink bugs. They are:-

  • Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
  • Harlequin Bug
  • Southern Green Stink Bug
  • Rice Stink Bug
  • Forest Stink Bug

What Does a Stink Bug Look Like, and Where Do Stink Bugs Come From?

Small stink bugs can be described as oval-shaped or shield-shaped insects. Adult bugs are as wide as they are long, with legs extending from the side. You will generally find brown stink bugs. But sometimes, you can also spot an orange and black stink bug or a green stink bug. The origin of stink bugs is said to be in Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan.


What Attracts Stink Bugs in Your House?

Multiple things in your house can attract stink bugs. For example:-

  • The smell of ripe fruits, kept in open spaces.
  • Native plants in your garden or planters.
  • Warmth and sunlight because they go through a hibernation period in winter.

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs?

Following are some proven tips on how to get rid of stink bugs in the house. Check them out!

  • Fly Tape on All the Entry Points Survey your house and stick the fly tape strips on all your entryways from where these unwanted guests can enter your home.
  • Rub Dryer Sheets on All Entryways Strangely, the bugs that emit such a foul smell don’t like the odor of dryer sheets. But it’s true! Therefore, one way to get rid of stink bugs is to rub drying sheets on all entryways and windows of your home.
  • Vacuum the Bugs Proceed with caution while applying the vacuum cleaner on the stink bugs. Make sure there is a bag attached to collect the bugs. Throw that bag away at the earliest to save yourself from the dreaded odor.
  • Crush Them When You Spot Them This is not one of the pleasant things to do. But some homeowners swear by this trick. It is observed that if a few stink bugs are squished where they start to gather, the remaining automatically go away.
  • DIY Solution Mix 2 cups of hot water with 1 cup of white vinegar and 1/2 cup of dish soap. This solution makes an effective trap for these brown marmorated stink bugs. Spray this directly on the bugs to get rid of them.
  • Take Help From Pest Control Experts Taking help from a pest control professional is a sure-shot way of stopping stink bug infestation in your house. It will also keep stink bugs away from your home for a longer time. They are well-equipped with specialized stink bug repellent and techniques to ward them off.

Call Our Team of Pest Control Experts in Tracy or Other Tri-Valley and Central Valley Towns in CA for Stink Bug Extermination.

What Do Stink Bugs Eat & What Do Stink Bugs Smell Like?

A stink bug smell is often compared with rotten coriander and cilantro. This smell can last for hours. They feed on plants, fruits, weeds, and grass. Apple, peppers, pecans, peaches, beans, and berries are some of their favorite foods.

Do Stink Bugs Bite

No. Stink bugs don’t bite. But some people can be allergic to the chemical they release when they begin to stink. Also, you can get dermatitis if your skin comes in contact with stink bugs.

Do Stink Bugs Fly?

Yes, adult stink bugs can fly. Baby stink bugs may not fly as their wings are yet not developed. Adult stink bugs can fly for sure, they keep their wings folded at the back when they are about to land.

Bugs That Look Like Stink Bugs

Some stink bug that looks alike is the western conifer seed bug and boxelder bug. They might closely look like a brown stink bug.

If you are dealing with the issue of stink bug infestation in California, Take Care Termite & Pest Control can be at your doorstep with their proven and effective pest control services. Call us now!

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