How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies in House


When it comes to house flies, most people think of the fruit flies in the house, which irritates all of us. But there are many other kinds of house flies that bring havoc inside your house.

This article particularly concentrates on cluster fly – One of the most common species of house flies found in homes and offices. So get ready to know everything about cluster flies, including how to get rid of them.

What are Cluster Flies?

Cluster flies are hairy flies with a variety of body markings and hues. They are mostly black. They often have stripes right behind their heads which distinguishes them from other house flies.

The entry of cluster flies in houses and buildings starts in winter as they get attracted to the warmth of the house. They come and hide in the attic, windows, and other safe places. However, you will spot cluster flies in the summer also because the temperature is warm enough for them to roam around.

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies in House?

While they are not harmful to humans, they can be a nuisance. So if you are dealing with a cluster fly infestation in your home, these experts- recommended 8 ways of getting rid of cluster flies and preventing them from coming back will help you immensely.

  1. Swat the Flies You Spot or Vacuum Them Up

    One of the quickest and easiest ways to get rid of cluster flies is to simply swat them or vacuum them up when you see them. This will help to reduce the population of flies in your home and make it easier to deal with the infestation.

  2. Use Flypaper & Traps

    Many people and experts who dealt with cluster flies in homes swear by the effectiveness of flypaper and cluster fly traps. These can be placed around your home to catch the flies and prevent them from getting inside.

  3. Make Use of an Approved Indoor Pesticide

    If you want to get rid of cluster flies quickly, you can make use of an approved indoor pesticide. This will help to kill the flies. However, be sure to read the label of your cluster fly spray carefully and follow the instructions to avoid harming yourself or your family.

  4. Fill Up Any Gaps & Cracks Inside

    One of the best ways to prevent cluster flies from getting into your home in the first place is to make sure there are no gaps or cracks for them to get inside. You can do this by sealing up any cracks or gaps in your walls, ceilings, and floors.

  5. Clear the Yard of Any Debris

    Keep your yard clear of any debris. This includes things like leaves, branches, and other organic materials. This debris attracts them as it acts as a safe home for cluster flies to keep their eggs and build nests.

  6. Seal the Food Kept Outside, Especially Sweets

    One of the reasons for spotting a lot of cluster flies in the house all of a sudden could be the food kept outside. Make sure the food kept outside is sealed tightly to prevent cluster flies from getting to it. This is especially important for sweets that attract them more.

  7. Remove Any Lingering Water

    Another common cause of cluster flies in the home is the readily available water for them. They are attracted to water. So it is important to remove any sources of water that you may have around your home. This includes things like puddles, bird baths, and pet dishes.

  8. Call Residential Pest Control

    If you are dealing with a serious infestation, you may want to call residential pest control for cluster fly extermination. They can help get rid of the flies and prevent them from coming back for an extended period.

Cluster Flies in House all of a Sudden

If you’re suddenly seeing a lot of cluster flies in your house, it’s likely because of the following two reasons:

1. They are looking for a place to hibernate for the winter. Cluster flies are a type of fly that typically live outdoors during the warmer months, but will seek shelter in buildings as the weather cools down.

2. They have found a way inside through cracks or openings in your home’s exterior. Once they find a suitable place to overwinter, they will emit pheromones that attract other flies to the same location.

Cluster Flies vs House Flies

Due to their similar appearance, house flies and cluster flies are sometimes confused. There are visible distinctions between them, though. The wings of cluster fly overlap while they are at rest, and they are slightly larger. In contrast to house flies, cluster flies congregate in considerable numbers in sunny areas.

Also, cluster flies are usually 8mm long, a little bit longer than an ordinary housefly. Their dark markings are darker than other houseflies. They also have patches of short golden hair on their thorax. The simplest way of cluster fly identification is by their labored flight.


  • Where Do Cluster Flies Come From?

You may be amazed to know the number of entry points your home hosts for cluster flies. Doors, windows, loose electrical outlets, roof eaves, openings around cables and pipes, and vents are all entry points for cluster flies inside a house.

  • What Causes Cluster Flies?

The majority of cluster flies lay their eggs in the ground, where they develop into larvae that eat earthworms. As the fall weather becomes chilly, they enter homes and other warm structures in order to survive the chilly winter months.

  • How to Prevent Cluster Flies?

Seal the holes and crevices on your home’s foundation, rooflines, walls, vents, etc., especially on the west and south side. It will help prevent cluster flies from entering warm hiding areas. Make sure the windows and doors are tightly fitting, the exterior mouldings are properly caulked, and the bug screens on the ventilation windows are in good shape.

Another permanent way of keeping the cluster flies away is to let a professional exterminator apply a residual pyrethroid-based insecticide on the outside of your walls. This needs to be done during late summer and early fall because cluster flies prepare to hibernate at this time of the year.

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