What is Spider Nests: Types, Prevention, Solutions, & Pest Control

spiders nest

You might have spotted a spider here and there in your home, but it’s a different story when they start building nests. Spider nests not only look unpleasant but can also become a headache for homeowners as more spiders come out.

So, where do these spider nests pop up? They often make small silk sacs in dark, quiet spots like corners of walls or ceilings. If you’ve seen these around, it’s essential to act quickly to stop them from taking over your home. Keep reading to find out more about spider nests and how to get rid of them for good.

What are Spider Nests?

It’s important to clarify that spiders don’t actually build nests in the traditional sense. Birds use nests for raising their young, and these structures are typically woven from twigs, leaves, and other materials. In contrast, spiders are silk-spinning invertebrates that construct webs to achieve several goals.

Spiders are renowned for their webs, which serve several crucial functions. The most well-known purpose is prey capture. Spiders strategically construct webs with complex designs to trap unsuspecting insects. The sticky silk strands immobilize the prey, allowing the spider to feed. Webs can also provide a safe haven for the spider itself, offering protection from predators and harsh weather conditions. For some spider species, webs play a vital role in egg protection. The female spider will meticulously craft an egg sac within the web, ensuring the developing spiderlings are shielded from harm until they emerge.

Types of Spider Webs and How to Identify Them

  1. Sheet Web

    Picture a white sheet hanging between trees or bushes, or laid across the top of grass. That’s what a sheet web looks like. The strands are woven horizontally and can be quite dense. Sometimes, it might even look like a bowl, with the middle dipping down. These webs are often made by small spiders and belong to the Linyphiidae family. They’re also known as sheetweb or money spiders. One example of a spider that builds this type of web is the Bowl & Doily spider.

  2. Orb Web

    Circular and suspended between trees, orb webs are a common sight, especially in the morning with a bit of dew. They resemble a wheel with a spiral center and lines radiating out like spokes. These webs belong to the Araneidae family and are called orb-weaver spiders. A well-known member of this group is the Yellow garden spider.

  3. Funnel Web

    The most common type of spider web, known for its funnel shape: narrow in the middle and widening towards the sides, resembling a cave opening. Funnel webs are typically found in wooded areas or places with dense vegetation. Belonging to the Agelenidae family, they are often referred to as Funnel Weavers or Grass Spiders. A well-known member of this type is the Hobo spider.

  4. Tangled (Cob) Web

    Often discovered in dark, unused spaces within homes like attics, corners, or basements, Tangled Webs have no distinct pattern and are commonly called “cobwebs.” These webs belong to the Theridiidae family and are commonly associated with Tangle-web spiders, including the notorious Black Widow spider.

Where Do Spiders Build Webs

Spiders usually set up their webs in quiet, out-of-the-way spots where there’s moisture and potential food sources. While they don’t need much water, they’re drawn to damp areas that attract other bugs, making them prime spots for spider webs.

Indoors, spiders tend to favor places like attics, garages, and basements. They also like to hide their webs in high corners and areas with clutter. Outside, you’ll often find spider webs in building corners, around doors and windows, and other entry points.

To help spot spider webs, keep an eye out for cream-colored, round, or oblong sacs of webbing. These sacs usually hold around 100 eggs or developing larvae, though bigger spiders can lay eggs in sacs that can hold up to 2,000 spider eggs.

Besides finding egg sacs and webs, seeing young spiders or spider corpses crawling around is a sign that there might be a nest nearby. Spotting small spiders or shed skins could also mean there’s a spider problem in your home.

How to Prevent Spider Infestations

  1. Keeping Your Home Clean

    Preventing spider infestations can be straightforward by maintaining a clean and clutter-free home environment. Regular vacuuming serves as both a preventive measure and a quick solution. Simply use your vacuum cleaner to remove dirt, food crumbs, dust, and grime, as these are attractive to spiders. To swiftly address cobwebs, use the extended nozzle of your vacuum to eliminate them, along with any spider egg sacs and spiders. Spiders have delicate exoskeletons, making them vulnerable to vacuuming. Additionally, be sure to inspect gaps, crevices, and openings in your home thoroughly.

  2. Outdoor Precautions

    It’s also important to tidy up your outdoor space to discourage spiders. Remove clutter like rocks, wood, and compost piles, as these can provide hiding spots for spiders. Seal any cracks in your home to reduce potential entry points. Install proper screens on windows and use sweeps and weather strips to seal doors effectively. Keep window shutters clean and promptly remove any cobwebs around your home. Additionally, maintain organization in storage areas and sheds to discourage spider nesting.

  3. Seal The Entry Points

    Spiders are skilled at finding tiny entry points. Seal up cracks, gaps around windows and doors, and any holes where pipes or wires enter your home. This will significantly reduce the number of unwanted eight-legged guests.

  4. Embrace Natural Scents:

    Spiders dislike the strong smells of certain essential oils. Peppermint, citrus, and eucalyptus are all effective deterrents. You can mix a few drops of these oils with water in a spray bottle and spritz around doorways, windows, and baseboards. Be sure to reapply regularly, as the scent will fade over time.

How to Get Rid of Spider Nest

  1. DIY Removal

    If you find a small spider nest, you can remove it with your vacuum cleaner. Simply suck up the webs and any egg sacs you see. If you find a live spider, you can carefully move it outdoors, as long as you feel comfortable doing so. Spiders can actually help control other pests in your home.

  2. Insecticides

    For larger spider infestations, you might need to use targeted sprays or dusts. These products are more effective for eliminating bigger nests and the spiders living in them. Always read and follow the instructions carefully to ensure safety and achieve the desired outcome.

  3. Getting Help from a Professional Pest Control Service

    If you find the mentioned methods challenging, it’s because they can be quite demanding. Let our experienced pest specialists at Take Care Termite and Pest Control handle the job for you. With over 30 years of experience and a history of satisfied customers, we provide top-quality pest control services to keep your home free of pests. Give us a call today, and our helpful staff will assist you with all your extermination needs.

The Role of Take Care Termite and Pest Control

  1. Expert IdentificationAt Take Care Termite and Pest Control, we start by correctly identifying the type of spider in your home. This helps us choose the best way to get rid of them.
  2. Safe and Effective TreatmentOur technicians use safe and reliable methods to eliminate spiders. We prioritize treatments that target the specific spider species, keeping your family and pets protected.
  3. Long-Term SolutionsWe don’t just get rid of spiders, we help prevent them from coming back. We’ll advise you on ways to seal your home to keep spiders out for good. This way, you can enjoy a spider-free home for longer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What do you do if you find a spider nest?

    If the nest isn’t in a bothersome location and the spider isn’t dangerous, you can leave it alone. Spiders help control insect populations. Otherwise, removal methods depend on the situation.

  2. What happens if you break a spider nest (egg sac)?

    Breaking an egg sac can release hundreds of baby spiders. If you’re unsure about the spider type, it’s best to call pest control.

  3. How do you safely remove a spider nest?

    For outdoor nests, you can vacuum them with a hose attachment. Indoor nests can be trapped with a jar or cup and released outside. Wear gloves and be cautious if unsure of the spider type.

  4. How long do spiders live?

    Lifespan varies greatly depending on the species. Some live only a few months, while others like tarantulas can live over 20 years.

  5. Do spiders sleep?

    Sleep for spiders isn’t quite the same as for humans. They enter a state of rest where they’re less active but can still respond to stimuli.

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