10 Most Painful Insect Stings and Their Schmidt Pain Index

3 years ago

You wouldn't understand true pain until you have been stung by an insect. The most painful stings are due to…

Carpenter Ants With Wings in House: Everything You Need to Know

3 years ago

You might think that ants are typically wingless insects, but when these pests gain a certain level of maturity, they…

Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs and are Mistaken for Bed Bugs

3 years ago

If you have unidentified bites or red welts on your skin or have noticed some minute bugs crawling on your…

Signs of Carpet Beetles Infestation and How to get Rid of Them

3 years ago

Carpet beetles are small bugs that resemble bed bugs or ladybugs. If you have seen them crawling around the house…

Clover Mites in House and How to get Rid of Them

3 years ago

Clover mites are believed to be nuisance pests, invading structures by the thousands, primarily in the spring and autumn. What…

Bed Bug Extermination Cost

3 years ago

When the exterminator quotes a price for eliminating bed bugs, how does he or she get that number?  If you…

Can Carpenter Bee Sting? How to Treat Carpenter Bee Sting

3 years ago

Carpenter bees are large shiny black bees you can find hovering around your house during spring. As their name suggests,…

How to Protect Your Electrical Wiring from Rodents

3 years ago

Do you feel guilty when you spot a rodent in your house? Let us relieve you from the thought about…

Carpenter Ants: A Small Guide for Getting Rid of Carpenter Ants

3 years ago

Although carpenter ants don't cause as much damage as compared to termites and other pests, they can be problematic. They…

Common House Spiders and How to Get Rid of Spiders in House

3 years ago

When you spot a spider in your home, it can be a downright freaky experience, especially if you have a…