Barn Spiders (Araneus cavaticus): Identification, Habits, Behavior & How to Control Them

Barn spider

Are you weary of dealing with spider infestations in your barn or on your property? If so, you’ve clicked the correct link! This article looks at the creature known as the barn spider (araneus cavaticus) in-depth, from identification to habits and behavior.

Whether you are a homeowner, renter, or just searching for practical answers to spider problems, this blog is a valuable tool for you. So, take a cup of coffee, settle comfortably, and let’s explore the intriguing realm of barn spiders together!

What is a Barn Spider (Araneus cavaticus)?

Barn spiders, sometimes known as common barn orb-weaver, are distributed across North America. They are commonly found in North America, Canada, and northeast regions of the USA. These spiders are extremely effective at managing insect populations. This quality makes them an essential ally in preserving ecological equilibrium.

Despite their intimidating appearance, barn spiders are not hostile towards human and prefer to focus on their insect meal. It is sometimes advantageous to have them around as they can be an excellent pest control solution!

Where Can You Find Barn Spiders?

Barn spiders may be found in a range of environments, including, as the name implies, barns, sheds, porches, and other outdoors. They enjoy making themselves at home in corners, behind eaves, and in any dark or well-lit but hidden area they can discover. When it comes to the refuge, barn spiders like cozy caves, nooks, and crannies.

They like locations with many hiding places and near a good source of insects for their next meal. So, if you are trying to track down a barn orb-weaver, keep an eye out for these hidden areas that provide both refuge and a plentiful supply of insects.

What is a Typical Barn Spider Size?

Barn spiders are usually dark or reddish-brown, with a unique leaf-shaped pattern on their abdomen. Females and male barn spiders differ significantly in terms of size. For example, the girls are often bigger than their male counterparts.

These little creatures have eight legs and two primary body segments: the cephalothorax and abdomen. Here’s the table to give you a better sense of the size of male and female barn spiders:-

Size Female Barn Spiders Male Barn Spiders
Length 7.5-11.5 mm 6-9 mm
Abdomen Larger and rounder Smaller and elongated
Cephalothorax Smaller in proportion Larger in proportion

How Barn Spider Create & Maintain Their Web?

The barn spider’s web is truly a marvel of engineering! The delicate, spiral shape of the web is perfectly designed to catch flying insects as they flit about. It’s like a natural trap waiting for its next meal. As for how barn spiders rebuild or repair their web, they are quite the night-time craftsmen.

Under cover of darkness, these industrious arachnids meticulously spin new strands and fix any broken sections to ensure their web remains in top-notch condition. It’s a nightly routine for them, almost like a spider-sized construction project! The females usually create the web, and they often shift their web up and down to exert control over it.

What are Some Typical Behaviors of Bran Spiders?

  • Diet: Barn spiders have a fascinating diet. They generally target common prey such as flies, moths, mosquitoes, and gnats.
  • Activity Cycle: They go through an activity cycle where they spin their webs at night to catch prey and then take a breather during the day.
  • Hunting Method: What’s especially remarkable is how they hunt. They calmly wait in their webs before wrapping any trapped prey in silk. It’s like they have their little spider grocery shop at home! So, the next time you see a barn barn orb-weaver, you know they are not just having fun. They are stockpiling their favorite goodies!
  • Lifespan: These guys typically live for about a year. During this lifecycle, barn spiders spend most of their time hunting and building webs.
  • Primarily, Nocturnal: They do most of their work at night.
  • Resting Position: During the day, they like to kick back and relax in the center of their webs, hanging upside down. It’s kind of like their version of a hammock! This upside-down resting position also helps them stay hidden and protected from predators during daylight hours.

What is the Role of Barn Spiders in the Ecosystem?

These eight-legged creatures perform a crucial role in keeping natural equilibrium. Barn spiders reduce insect populations by hunting and consuming pests such as flies, mosquitoes, and other annoying creatures. This helps keep the ecology in control and prevents insect overpopulation.

What are the Benefits of Barn Spiders to Humans?

Let’s talk about how barn orb-weavers help the humans!

  • Keeping it Pest-Free:

    These little critters are like nature’s pest control squad, munching on those pesky insects that bug us.

  • Eco-Friendly Buddies:

    By doing their thing in gardens and farms, barn spiders play a part in keeping things balanced and healthy for all the plants and critters around.

  • No Need to Freak Out:

    Good news – these eight-legged neighbors are harmless to humans! They generally won’t bite unless they are feeling threatened.

What are Your Pest Control Options for Getting Rid of Barn Spiders?

Dealing with barn spiders can be a headache. However, there are a few efficient pest control alternatives to consider.

  • To begin, seal any gaps or openings in your barn to keep them out.
  • You can also employ insecticides or herbicides to target and eradicate existing spider populations.
  • Another natural technique is to introduce beneficial predators, such as ladybirds or praying mantises, to control the spider population.
  • Finally, frequent cleaning and decluttering can help keep spiders away.
  • Don’t delay in calling a professional pest control service if nothing of the above works.


1. Are barn spiders poisonous?

Barn spiders are poisonous, yet their venom does not harm people. Their bite may cause localized redness or minor discomfort, but it is not harmful.

2. How long does a barn spider live?

The average lifespan of a barn spider is around a year. They usually hatch from their eggs in the spring, mature over the summer, and complete their life cycle in the autumn.

3. Do barn spiders bite?

Barn spiders can bite if they feel threatened, although they are not hostile to people. They normally bite only when accidentally handled or pressed.

4. Do barn spiders die after they deposit eggs?

Yes, female barn spiders usually die quickly after producing eggs.

Some external resources to learn more about the Barn Spiders

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