Clover Mites in House and How to get Rid of Them


Clover mites are believed to be nuisance pests, invading structures by the thousands, primarily in the spring and autumn. What sets clover mites different from ticks and spiders is their feeding habits; they don’t feed on blood from insects or humans.

What are clover mites?

Clover mites are tiny red bugs about the size of a poppy seed or the head of a pin. They are from the same mites group as ticks or house spiders and not insects. Clover mites are small household-invading mites, and to the naked eye, they are no more than tiny red bugs no larger than a pinhead. They usually invade homes when the vegetation, and greenery are lush and in abundance.  Clover mites are widely found throughout Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South America.

How to get rid of clover mites?

Clover mites die from dehydration once they come inside their homes. They can only survive outdoors. Clover mites can leave stains that are difficult to clean and get rid of. Because they are usually large in number, there is a higher chance of being squished and lying inside homes.

Thus, seeking professional help from a pest control company is recommended to control them. Professionals also help you determine any attracting factors that may be luring clover mites into your home.

What do clover mites look like

Clover mites are tiny and pinhead size, ranging from brown to bright red. These tiny red bugs have eight legs with two at the head that are often thought to be antennae, not that you can see them that well.

What do clover mites eat?

A lush lawn with fertilizer attracts clover mites in large numbers. Clover mites feed on many plants, including clover, daffodils, lawn grasses, dandelion, ornamental flowers, strawberries, etc.

Where do clover mites come from

When the weather changes during autumn, these tiny red bugs begin to assemble on the sunny sides of buildings, seeking warmth. Clover mites are also attracted to heavily fertilized lawns. Thick flower beds create the perfect environment for clover mite infestation. Populations of these mites are at their peak in the spring and early fall when plants are thriving thereby causing a nuisance to homeowners.

Clover mites bite

Clover mites are related to ticks and spiders but won’t bite or harm humans or animals. They do not cause any adverse health effects. Clover mites usually live on lawns outside homes and feed on plants from the garden.

Clover mites on plants

The most significant problem clover mites cause occurs outside of a home. Clover mites are considered lawn pests, and they can do quite a number on your grass. This is because they suck the sap out of plants, especially turfgrass. Occasionally, if the clover mites are large in number, the plants or grass they feed on turn silvery color.

This damage is often seen in areas where moisture accumulates. They can be found infesting over 200 different clover types, plants, grassy lawns, and weeds. That means your turfgrass isn’t the only vegetation in your yard that is in danger of being damaged.

Clover mites in house

There may be times when these mites gravitate to the inside of the home through small cracks or openings looking for food and shelter. They prefer sunny areas in homes, and if squashed, they may leave a red stain. These household mites are usually attracted to the sunniest side of the house or foundation.

Are clover mites dangerous?

Clover mites are sometimes evocative of more extensive problems like moisture issues in homes. Pests are attracted to moisture, and when the wood outside of your home is rotting or damp, clover mites get attracted to it. And if there are prominent enough gaps for mites to get in, those gaps can grow more significant over time. Sometimes clover mites camouflage and hide between the walls’ cracks where they are difficult to spot and eradicate.

Clover Mite Prevention 

  • There are specific ways that homeowners can prevent clover mite infestations indoors:
  • Homeowners should remove or place a thick 20-inch band around dense vegetation or plants which usually attract clover mites.
  • Homeowners should regularly inspect and seal the homes’ structure, including the foundation, siding for cracks, and window frames that may serve as possible breeding and entry points.
  • Preventing clover mites from invading your property can be difficult. You can reduce the number of instances by creating an area between your foundation and lawn free of grass and weeds.

Suppose a pest problem persists and homeowners notice any signs of clover mite activity on their property. In that case, they should contact a licensed and professional pest control service to resolve the issue.

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